To create a brand and website for Elle of Feathering the Empty Nest. Elle fundraises for The Little Roo Fund in memory of her son Teddy. Elle’s following on social media platforms such as Instagram keeps growing along with her blog, the aim was to make a destination platform for her to share her story and fundraising activities.
Elle gave us some insight into colour pallet and things that she liked so that we could work up a logo for her to use on the new website. Several ideas for a new logo were presented incorporating these items and the chosen design was developed into a final logo that we could use to inspire us for the website.
We then set to work on a fresh and engaging design incorporating the new logo and moving the original blog content over and adding the detail that was sought after by so many followers – more information on Elle & Boris, the fundraising activities and a helpful Shop my Style page to answer the ever popular questions regarding her latest pair of shoes! Take a look at the website itself for more insight!